Pointes and Perspective #4 Give Me A Rhyme I'll Give You A Reason

Heather Jean Wilson, Founder Baa Baa Ballet

Let's get right into today's discussion,

“Give Me a Rhyme, I’ll Give You a Reason”

The Benefits of Nursery Rhymes

Where I will share some of the many Benefits of teaching Nursery Rhymes to your Preschool Classes and thus, the reason I based Baa Baa Ballet after them!


Nursery rhymes are incredibly powerful influencers in preschool development. They have even been scientifically shown to significantly improve literacy skills. And I thought they were just plain fun when I based my Preschool Dance Program after them!!


First off, Nursery Rhymes promote Cognitive development.

The repetition of rhymes and stories is good for the brain, teaching language, and building memory. In Nursery rhymes, children encounter plenty of new words. And because the verses are made up of patterns, they are easy for children to memorize.


Secondly, Nursery Rhymes encourage Speech development.

The Rhymes help students articulate words. They help them modulate their voices, practicing pitch, volume, and inflection. They also help develop clear enunciation, by exercising mouth and tongue muscles, repeating the rhymes over and over. Listening comprehension is a foundational skill that precedes Reading comprehension, but is often skipped. Nursery rhymes can help ensure this crucial ability is covered. Children will develop auditory skills, so they can discriminate between sounds, and develop an ear for the music of words.


Nursery Rhymes prepare students for Math.

Nursery rhymes discuss size and weight. They are full of numbers, counting, patterns, and sequencing - all important math principles.


Nursery Rhymes also assist Reading.

  Reciting the verses in nursery rhymes, helps children detect the phonetic segments of words, making for strong readers. They are a great introduction to stories and sequencing, since many contain a beginning, middle, and end. The knowledge of Nursery rhymes provides a perfect foundation for later literary works.


Nursery Rhymes advance Language development.

They help children fully understand and use language, increase vocabulary, and promote spelling skills. Nursery Rhymes are a wonderful introduction to poetry. Verses like these introduce literary devices like imagery, repetition and rhyme, and echo and imitation. I found that these language, poetry, and literary instruments transferred so beautifully to movement!


Nursery Rhymes lend greatly to children’s creativity.

Nursery rhymes expand children’s imagination. When acted out, they promote dramatization, and of course movement and dance!


Nursery Rhymes teach history.

They connect children with the past. The classic verses preserve culture. And my favorite, something I love witnessing, as my students run to their parents, and often, grandparents - Nursery rhymes provide something in common between multiple generations and a wonderful way to bond!


As a Dance Educator, Physical development was the obvious benefit of Nursery Rhymes.

So many nursery rhymes involve movement. Dexterity, coordination and physicality are already mingled in the stories. Fine motor skill development can even be strengthened through pantomime and fingerplays.


There are also Social and Emotional benefits from learning Nursery Rhymes.

The connection between movement, rhythm, and words, makes singing, dancing, and acting out Nursery Rhymes, a great group activity. There are social skills that can be learned from many of the rhymes. Nursery rhymes familiarity can provide comfort and support to students who are in difficult situations. And then there is Humor! Nursery rhymes are ridiculous, hilarious, and absurd! My students and I laugh in every class due to these silly stories!


When I set out to create a Preschool Dance Curriculum for my first ballet school in 1995, Nursery Rhymes were the definite answer. I was already a fan, and knew they would be unique and entertaining. When I discovered the extensive benefits to my students' development, it was clear!

Give me a Rhyme, and I’ll give you a Reason!

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